Thursday, June 26, 2008


Our goal in life is always in front of us, the journey that we have to travel is just in front, we can look as far as we can, BUT, no matter how straight and smooth the journey seems, we can never manage to see more than what we can see here...

There are obstacles that will slow down our pace in life, you can either 'overtake' the obstacles or just follow behind it getting frustrated...

A journey can never be rushed, we should not rush in making decisions,  obstacles and more obstacles will always flow to us, it is up to us how we are going to handle it.



Edward said...

Good one.. try getting an accident photo for the last metaphor. Just food for thought.

When we rush, we get into trouble. but if we plan before rushing, we reduce the risk (like overtaking after the road is clear).

What do you think?

LuckySam said...

i really like that thought,
i'll try to take a pic of it and post it...
thanks for the idea...
really love it...


Ellen Ween said...

lol..accident photo?? haha.. my family..